Crafting & Salvaging

Crafting and salvaging are essential activities that help you maintain and upgrade your Mars inventory.

Crafting involves using Parts and lower rarity cards to get better cards, which improve your overall stats in the game.

Salvaging allows you to break down Cards into its base Parts, so you can use them to craft.

Why are Parts an important feature for Mission Control?

Automated Expansion Missions

Automating expansion missions helps keep a game dynamic and fresh without the need for constant manual updates. This ensures that the game continues to offer new challenges and objectives, making it a 'forever game.'

Market-Driven Voting

Using parts as a market-driven voting mechanism allows the game's development to reflect the community's desires for expansion. Players use resources and cards to vote, making it an efficient and cost-effective system. This player-driven approach ensures that the game evolves according to player preferences.

$MARTIA Sink and Burn

Integrating a significant $MARTIA sink through crafting and salvaging processes helps maintain a healthy in-game economy. By burning most of the $MARTIA used, the currency supply is regulated, preventing inflation and keeping the economy stable and valuable.

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