Buying Base Cards

In Mission Control, Base Cards are crucial components of your collection, offering various levels of resource production and other benefits. If you're looking to expand your collection or improve your resource strength, purchasing Base Cards at market price from the in-game store is a straightforward and effective approach. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to buy Base Cards using MARTIA or WAX.

Step 1: Access the In-Game Store

To begin, navigate to the in-game store. You can usually find it through the main menu or a designated shop icon within the game interface.

Step 2: Choose Your Currency

Once you’re in the store, you'll need to select your preferred currency for the transaction. Mission Control supports purchases using MARTIA or WAX. Make sure you have enough of your chosen currency in your wallet to cover the cost of the Base Cards you wish to buy.

Step 3: Browse Available Base Cards

In the store, navigate to the Base Cards section. Here, you’ll find a list of available Base Cards categorized by their rarity and collection strength. Each card will have a detailed description, including its type and associated attributes.

Step 4: Check Market Prices

For each Base Card, you’ll see the current market price displayed in MARTIA or WAX. Prices may vary based on the card's rarity, demand, and other factors. Compare the prices to ensure you’re getting a fair deal.

Step 5: Select the Card You Want to Purchase

Once you’ve identified the Base Card you wish to buy, click on it to view more details. Make sure it meets your requirements and is priced appropriately.

Step 6: Confirm Your Purchase

After selecting the Base Card, click the purchase or buy button. You’ll be prompted to confirm your transaction. Review the details to ensure everything is correct, including the card type and the amount of MARTIA or WAX required.

Step 7: Complete the Transaction

Follow the prompts to complete your purchase. The transaction will be processed using your chosen currency, and you may need to authenticate the payment depending on your wallet settings.

Step 8: Check Your Inventory

Once the transaction is complete, check your inventory to confirm that the Base Card has been added. You should see the new card listed along with its details and collection strength.

Step 9: Utilize Your New Base Card

If you already possess other cards of this type, there's no need to select an Ownership or Sponsorship card to stake it to. The new card will automatically increase your resource production due to the higher collection strength. However, if this is your first card of that type, navigate to Resources > Items and make an Ownership or Sponsorship Card selection to activate the card's resource production.

By following these steps, you can effectively purchase Base Cards at market price in the in-game store using MARTIA or WAX. This will help you strengthen your collection, improve your gameplay, and stay competitive in Mission Control.

Last updated